Prill Porsche Classics

Prill Porsche Classics

News & Events

Merry Christmas from the team at Prill Porsche Classics

prill_porsche_christmas 2015

It is time to reflect on another busy year that has seen the company complete a buyout, a change of name and move to new premises. Despite the inevitable challenges of moving a business lock, stock and barrel we achieved the move remarkably well with minimal effect on our day-to-day activity. Thanks for this has to go to our loyal staff, who all went the extra mile to ensure that the move had a minimal effect on our clients.

The company is now settled into purpose-built premises that provide an excellent environment in which to work on classic Porsches of all types. Judging by the reaction from those of you who have already visited you like it too. We have hosted a couple of events and we will be doing more in the year ahead. There is always a warm welcome if you are passing by.

The company has had a couple of name changes over the years but 2016 will be our 24th year in the classic Porsche business. All aspects of our business continue to grow and the quality of cars we work on just keeps getting better. In 2015, servicing, engine and gearbox rebuilds, restoration and motorsport activity have all continued apace. Best of all, 2015 was a year in which we gained a lot of new friends and clients to expand on those that we already have.

We have worked on some stunning Porsche projects this year and there are more exciting projects and events coming in 2016.

This just leaves me to thank all of our clients and friends. Have a great Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Andy Prill

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